iShia Book Management
This portal offers the tools necessary to input and process electronic multi lingual books, thesis and plain magazines.
These electronic artifacts are published by iShia Project on the Internet using content providers' exclusive web site (produced by iShia CMS) and iShia Books app for iOS and Android. Publishing is fully controlled by the content providers themselves with full protection of their copyright.
- Ready for operation ، limited
iShia CMS
This service is designed to simplify and speed up website production for Islamic organizations, seminary teachers, lecturers and those interested in spreading the word of Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.) on the Internet, and is specialized specifically for Islamic science formats.
Types of content to be used in the website, e.g. articles, lectures, news, events, video clips, etc. and shared content like Quran, hadith, rijal, historical events, etc. can be chosen by the content provider to be displayed in their website.
Content entered and processed in this portal is presented through each content provider's exclusive website and can be offered to be shared and used by other content providers using iShia CMS in addition to being offered – optionally – in iShia Project apps for iOS and Android.
- Ready for operation ، limited
iShia Story Maker
This application is designed to simplify and speed up the process of producing interactive kid's electorinic story books to be published in iShia Kids app for iOS and Android.
Additionally, it greatly reduces the cost and enables publishers, writers, teachers and even non professional persons like mothers to get involved in producing kids electronic books.
- Ready for operation ، limited